It’s never too late to become a non-smoker.
No matter how long you’ve been smoking, your body will start the regeneration process as soon as you stop.
When you give up smoking, the better prepared and educated you are, the greater your chances of success. You may experience a number of withdrawal symptoms, but everyone that gives up smoking will go through a different experience from the next person.
If you know what to expect with regards to possible withdrawal symptoms before you stop smoking, buy chantix, then you can prepare yourself mentally and physically. Bear in mind that any symptoms that you may suffer will be temporary. At worst, it will be a month of withdrawal symptoms that will subside each day but ultimately lead to you becoming a healthier person and a non-smoker.
- Within 20 minutes of smoking your last cigarette your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal and your circulation will improve.
- After 8 hours, the carbon monoxide from your last cigarette will be gone from your bloodstream and your blood will carry a normal amount of oxygen.
- After just 1 day, your chance of a heart attack is lower.
- After 2 days, damaged nerve endings start to re-grow, and you’ll have a better sense of smell and taste.
- Within a few months, your lung function will have increased by up to 30%. You’ll cough less, have more energy, find physical activities easier and become short of breath less often, and you’ll have less phlegm and infections.
- After just one year, your risk of having a heart attack will fall to the halfway mark between that of a smoker and that of someone who has never smoked.
- If you smoked a pack a day then, after five years, your risk of mouth, throat and oesophageal cancer and your risk of dying from lung cancer will be cut in half. And your risk of heart attack and stroke will be almost the same as that of a non-smoker.
- After ten years, your chance of dying from lung cancer is almost as low as that of a non-smoker’s. And your risk of mouth, throat, oesophageal, kidney and pancreatic cancer will continue to fall.
- And ten to fifteen years from now, your risk of dying from any cause is almost the same as that of someone who never smoked.
Some people worry that they will gain weight. This is because when you give up smoking, your appetite and sense of taste often improve, making food taste better and tempting you to eat more. So stock up on healthy snacks and hide the crisps and chocolate! The good news is that once you’ve stopped smoking you’ll find it easier to be active and lose any extra pounds.Some people also believe that smoking relaxes them, and worry that they will feel more stressed when they stop smoking. Going through the motions of the habit of smoking may give you the impression of relaxation, but nicotine is actually a stimulant so, in reality, it does the opposite. | ![]() |
How Smile Hypnotherapy can help you to become a non-smoker
I have achieved Smoking Cessation Specialist Certification from the UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts & Sciences and have an in-depth understanding of smoking, and the process of smoking cessation.
I use a variety of Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to help you achieve your goal. Treatments are quick, natural and effective.